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These days we are very much dependent on technology, be it for exercising, entertainment, games and what not. we are always on our phones and why not stop procrastination and use this technology for studying better?

Here is a list of some apps and extensions specially designed for students.

1- Evernote.

It is one of the best app for those students who take notes on laptops and phones. evernote is one of the best app for taking notes and organising them properly into one place.

It is available for chrome as well as for Android.

2- mic note

It is another note taking app. you may be thinking whats so special in this?

It lets you record your notes. YES , you heard it right !!,it will play line to line with your recorded voice. isn't it the best app for lazy students out there? indeed!!!



It is 2017, and going paperless is a great idea! and quizlet helps you in that by providing digital flashcards. you can write definitions and even record them and guess what? you can even take a quiz. there is a huge community on Quizlet!( i personally use it)


grammarly extension

Do you often get low marks in projects and find a lot of mistakes in your notes? then Grammarly is the best extension you can use to correct your spelling mistakes and punctuations. guess what its free!!!


we are in 2017 and we are the generation of WhatsApp, Instagram, facebook and what not. that also means we procrastinate a lot. if you are the person who procrastinates a lot here the best extension for you. FOREST IT provides you with a timer and blocks all website in its blacklist.

the best part is when you complete your task you have a forest of your own. With every successful task, you have a grown tree. (p.s. if you are an emotional person, you definitely will complete the task, you don't want the tree to be killed right?



It is a productivity extension. it allows you too create to-dos and enhances your chrome by adding sceneries and it even greets you with your name.

7- self-control

self control extension

This extension is another productivity app. It basically blocks all the websites that you tend to procrastinate on !!.you cant even delete it after setting study hours !! I love it.


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