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MEDITATION, a term which you may have heard it before isn't? Meditation sounds like a very boring word , and the concept of consistency scares us even more right? , but the question here arises is it seriously this boring ? 📷​​SMLXL📷

HAHAH!! NO , meditation can be fun wait what ?!!? seriously ?

Yes , lets know how?

Lets start from the basics!.



Meditation is a regular practice to calm you brain cells that stimulate senses like depression , anxiety, overthinking, bad mood, reduces concentration and much more.

2.HOW MEDITATION HELPS TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE? Meditation can be really a game changer thing for most of us we JUST HAVE TO BE CALM, PATIENT AND YES THE MOST IMPORTANT THING, CONSISTENT. let us look at some benefits of meditation:a- It improves concentration b- Reduces stress, sad feelings. c-Improves health and much more3- how to do meditation step1- As you have just entered into the world of meditation, you don't have to follow the professional rules.the first step says: just find a comfortable space to sit.sitting down directly on the floor is advised but as I said before you have just started and so you can even sit on the bed, couch or anywhere YOU FEEL LIKE IT.📷​​SMLXL📷 REMEMBER: where ever you sit , just sit with back straight and head straight. STEP2- The second step says: close your eyes and sit with crossed legs. now some of you may ask what about the hand positions? should we keep our hands on side of our labs or in the center? The answer to this very question is, anywhere you feel like it! STEP 3; The third step says: concentrate.📷​​SMLXL📷 when we think about meditation, the question comes to our mind is when we are sitting with crossed legs and closed eyes what we have think then? what is the thing we have concentrated on? do we have to use the word OM? WE JUST have to concentrate on our BREATH. yes, our breath, we have to closely observe and feel our breaths and concentrate on rising and falling of our breaths. AND THIS IS HOW YOU START MEDITATIONstep 4 How long we have to do it?The answer to this very question is with you only. you have to sit and meditate till you can maintain the aura of concentration! when you will start it can be 3 or 4 or5 min and with patience and consistency, you can increase it to 20 min. GOOD LUCK!!📷would love to hear from you !



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